Consulting and Training Heading
Established in 1997, The Incident Management Team partners with clients to manage uncertainty. We have assisted Fortune 500 Companies, healthcare, government, educational, manufacturing, service, military and first responder organizations. IMT staff have consulted with and conducted global programs for audiences in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Canada, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and China.

Dr. Kenneth Wolf
Dr. Kenneth L. Wolf consults on Threat Management, Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), Active Shooter Survival and Crisis Response Strategies. He has presented programs throughout North America, in England, Holland, Switzerland, China, Brazil, Mexico, the Philippines, Malaysia and Southeast Asia.
He has been a Violence Management and Crisis Response Consultant to the United States Postal Service (USPS), assisted in developing the USPS National
Violence Prevention Program for 800,000 employees. He helped develop Workplace Violence Prevention Systems for Fortune 500 Companies including Intel, Eaton Corporation, General Motors, Ford, BASF and Chrysler. Dr. Wolf assisted in writing the National Critical Incident Crisis Programs for UAW-General Motors, UAW-DaimlerChrysler, Pinkerton, and American Natural Resources (ANR) and trained their Crisis Response Team members at their North American facilities, respectively.
Dr. Wolf was a Protective Intelligence Consultant to the U.S. Army and Department of Defense. After the New York World Trade Center Terrorist Attack, Dr. Wolf assisted US Army Infantry Units at Ground Zero. He has trained military and civilian personnel at Commands including Defense Logistics Agency HQC (DLA), U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Redstone Installation/ U.S. Aviation and Missile Command, USATA, Army Materiel Command (AMC) Headquarters, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, STRICOM, Naval Warfare Center; Fort Meade and Rock Island Arsenal. He received the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) “Medallion for Excellence” from Lieutenant General Philip Kensinger, Jr., Commander, Ft. Bragg (USASOC), and North Carolina.
He has consulted the World Bank, AT&T, Ryder Systems, Wendy’s, NBC, Lockheed-Martin, Continental, Wacker Chemical, BASF, and the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Los Alamos / Sandia National Laboratories, Ascension Healthcare, NASA Langley, U.S. Dept. of Labor OSHA,
On behalf of the American Society on Industrial Security (ASIS), Dr. Wolf gave testimony on Worksite Violence and Threat Assessment before Congressional Committees of the United States Senate and House in Washington D.C.
As a Police Psychologist, Dr. Wolf has consulted in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) programs with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) EAP, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), Glynco, GA., U.S. Bureau of Prisons, Office of the U.S. Attorney General, the Detroit Police Department and the Wayne County Sheriff’s Department. . He has trained police, security, fire, and emergency service worldwide.
He is currently collaborating with Wayne State University Medical School – Department of Psychiatry, in developing a Statewide First Responder Wellness and Crisis Support Program serving over 20,000 police, firefighters, corrections, EMTs, and public safety officers in Michigan.
Dr. Wolf has consulted in litigation defense strategies with law firms including Morgan Lewis & Bachius; Littler Mendelsohn; Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker; Constangy, Brooks & Smith; Clark Hill; Dykema Gosset; Dickinson Wright; Foster Swift Collins & Smith; the American Bar Association and the City of Detroit Law Department. As a Consultant for the United States Attorney General’s Office and the United States Marshals Service, Dr. Wolf was qualified as an Expert Witness in Violence Assessment and Post-Traumatic Stress by Chief Federal Judge James C. Turk of the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia.
As a Consultant to Michigan OSHA (MIOSHA) for over 17 years, Dr. Wolf has trained representatives of over 8,000 employers, manufacturers, employees, and organizations in Workplace Violence Prevention, Threat Assessment, and Active Shooter Survival.
He is a Disaster Consultant for the Detroit affiliates of ABC, NPR, NBC, and CBS television. Dr. Wolf received his B.A. from Columbia College and his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Wayne State University.

IMT Director
Marla Gartner, MAT
Ms. Gartner has created Workplace Violence Prevention, Threat Assessment, Active Shooter Survival and Crisis Management multimedia / video training programs for clients including the United States Army: Rock Island Arsenal, Michigan OSHA (MIOSHA), Troy Design and Manufacturing (Ford Motor Company), Hemlock Semiconductor (Dow Corning),Williams International, DTE Energy, NSK Americas, HEICO Companies, Carpenter Technology, Continental North America, Ascension Providence Healthcare System, Rudolph Libbe Group, Kierkert AG, UAW-Chrysler, Michigan Safety Council, Delta College School of Criminal Justice, Mayco International, Farm Bureau Insurance Company, Clinton Eaton Ingham County Community Mental Health Authorities, Genesee County Road Commission, Van Buren County Community Mental Health, MAISL Insurance Group, Michigan Works, and numerous school districts, public entities, and police departments.
She has helped train Global Threat Assessment and Protective Intelligence Teams in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Brazil and has produced Active Shooter Survival videos, one of which was translated into 12 languages.
Ms. Gartner, in conjunction with the WSU Dept. of Psychiatry, IMT, The Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM), the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and the Michigan Professional Firefighters Union, is assisting in implementing the Frontline Strong Project whose goals are to assist 22,000 first responders and departments, get assistance with stress, wellness, PTSD, and implementing training and Critical Incident Stress Management Programs (CISM) Statewide.
As the Executive Producer, Ms. Gartner has assisted writing Workplace Violence / Threat Assessment Reference Manuals, and Train-the -Trainer Programs in the areas of Workplace Violence Prevention, Crisis Management, Verbal Diffusion, Protection of the Lone Worker and Identification and Management of the Potentially Aggressive Client, Customer or Employee.
She has assisted police departments and the Police Officers Association of Michigan (POAM) in crisis management and Peer Support after line of duty police critical incidents. She has developed Police Crisis Intervention (CIT) programs, Protective Intelligence training materials and has produced training videos of officers who have been in line of duty critical incidents. Programs she developed have been conducted at Wayne County Sheriff’s Dept., Warren Police Department, Genesee County Sheriff’s Department, Roseville Police Department, Shelby Township Police Department, Delta Police College, Schoolcraft School of Criminal Justice, Miami Dade School of Criminal Justice and West Bloomfield Township PD.
She was the Producer/Director of four multi- media productions which won four National Telly Awards. She was awarded the Continental Cablevision Teacher of the Year Award and was invited to Washington D.C. to meet with Vice-President Al Gore and Senator Carl Levin at the National Awards Presentations. She also appeared on C-Span with Vice-President Gore.
Significant television broadcast and multi-media activities she created include: SAREX (Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment in conjunction with NASA called: “Ealy Elementary School Talks to the NASA Astronauts,” - “Reach for the Stars”, a televised program where elementary school students spoke to NASA astronauts in their space capsule, as they orbited Earth, over Michigan;
She produced a DVD, “Mission Thank You,” presented at the opening of the United States Armed Forces Welcome Center at the Detroit Metropolitan International Airport expressing thanks for returning United States Military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The opening ceremonies were attended by U.S. Senator Carl Levin, County, State, and Military Command Officers.
Ms. Gartner received her Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Detroit. She obtained her Masters of Arts in Teaching from Wayne State University.
Radford W. Jones
Secret Service, Retired
J. Branch Walton
Secret Service, Retired
Gary Sikorski
Senior Security Consultant
Kathy L. Bolmer, PhD
Organizational Psychologist
Thomas R. Mynsberge
Crisis Management Coordinator
Michael A. Crane
Esq., CPP, CFE
Mark Brenzinger, Psy.D.
Forensic Psychologist
Walter Szcubialka
Videographer / Producer / Director
Al Shenouda, MPA
Senior Security Coordinator
Sharon L. McWhorter
LMS & E-Learning
Instructional Designer
Rick Colliver
Senior Security Consultant
Jerry Miller, MA.
Sec Consultant
Prof. Eric Barnes
Threat Assessment
Chuck Evans, FBI Retired
Threat Assessment
Sanford Altschul
Emergency Management / Pandemic Content Expert
Michael Lynch
Protective Intelligence
Wynona Ward, M.A., L.P.C.
IMT Crisis Coordinator
Bob Weinbaum, Esq.
IMT Legal Consultant
Sharon Caffey
Executive Manager
Jim Offrink, M.Div.
IMT Emergency Management / Crisis Coordinator
Kai M. Joy
IMT Security Coordinator